The Holy Land Experience, one of America’s largest biblical theme parks, lies in ruins, after Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) spent more than $130 million on…
Category: News
C.S. Lewis would have no doubt been very proud of his disciple Colson, given that Lewis congratulated himself for having helped to bridge the chasm between Protestant denominations and Roman Catholicism. An apple evidently does not fall too far from the tree, and as we are about to show, Dr. Francis Collins much like Charles Colson followed in the footsteps of his spiritual father C.S. Lewis. Both C.S. Lewis and Dr. Collins in fact share three things in common which are utterly destructive of true Evangelical Christianity – rejection of Scripture inerrancy, commitment to ecumenism and Darwin’s evolutionary theory. And, since the Whore of Rome will waste no ally, it is not in the least surprising that the Pope in 2009 appointed Dr. Francis Collins to the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences
The message coming from the first week of the three-week Special Synod for the Pan-Amazon region at the Vatican is ringing out loud and…
I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The…
It is often said that unprincipled men accuse others of doing the very thing they themselves are guilty of. Hank and his henchmen succeeded in getting my husband expelled from the ministry, EMNR, which he brought up from the ashes. He marked Bill as a trouble-maker to his own church fellowship. And then he turns around and distributes a big piece of propaganda marking Bill as CRI’s greatest enemy whose motives were to bring CRI down. And he does this while Bill is lingering in a hospice, dying of cancer, that he succumbed to in 2011.
Brittany Crouch Davidson, the granddaughter of Trinity Broadcasting Network founders Paul Sr. and Jan Crouch, and niece to current TBN President Matthew Crouch, has been sued by the religious TV network 21 times.
The National Hurricane Center is forecasting “total rain accumulations of 15 to 30 inches and isolated maximum amounts of 40 inches over the middle and upper Texas coast through Thursday.”
Religious broadcasters have cashed in by selling their stations’ broadcast frequencies back to the FCC. In return, the FCC is re-licensing this wireless spectrum to the cell phone companies.
Imagine if you will a 13-year-old girl having just been raped by a 30-year-old man, still in the state of shock – almost catatonic – sobbing uncontrollably, telling her grandmother, an ordained minister, about the trauma she had just experienced.