NEWS RELEASE – “Controversial Bible Prophecy Book Needs a Second Look”


Did the announcement about Gaza by President Trump on February 4th that shocked the world surprise author Jackie Alnor? Not really, but it really made her day!

“The US will take over the Gaza Strip and we will do a job with it too; we’ll own it.”
– President Donald J. Trump, leader of the free world (Representative of Israel’s Northern Kingdom)

“Trump is completing something that we began”
– Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel (Representative of Israel’s Southern Kingdom)

If Trump and Netanyahu go through with their plans, it can be interpreted as the next step in bible prophecy – playing out in real time. The two are now in lock step.

In her 2022 book, The United States of Israel: America in End Times Prophecy, Alnor shows scriptural confirmation that the gathering of the Western nations into the New World almost 250 years ago was a providential act of God. Her book demonstrates how a sovereign God, intervened on behalf of an untold number of persecuted Christians to escape religious tyranny, established a homeland to the dispersed Northern Tribes of Israel. These peoples Jesus referred to as His “other sheep” became indistinguishable from the Gentiles of the places they originally assimilated.

God’s divine protection of President Trump demonstrates that God is using him for His purposes. That bullet missed him — by that much!

There are other clues to Trump’s choice by God to do His will, whether the president understood it or not. He began by moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He dodged the bullet by divine intervention – all hell breaking loose against him – he admits God saved his life for His purpose. Many, many people see it that way. God is still using him – much to the chagrin of his enemies.

Bible prophecy is never fully understood until its actual fulfillment. In 1948, Jews returned to their ancient homeland – this was seen by all bible-believing teachers as the actual complete fulfillment of the prophecies that the Jews would be scattered into all nations and ultimately returned to their land. (And that’s been a bone of contention to the surrounding nations ever since.)

Fast forward to current day, and modern-day bible prophecy teachers are stunned by this week’s proclamation that America has come close to “owning” Israel’s coastal land.

“Okay, this is epic. This is historic. This is phenomenal. This is groundbreaking. I don’t have enough superlatives to give you on the importance of what  I just heard… Guys, you’re watching history in the making. We’re progressing towards Israel, safe, secure, and prosperous. When we don’t have that enemy on our borders, we can be the country that Ezekiel described prior to its war.”
– Amir Tsarfati, retired major in the IDF, Founder of ‘Behold Israel’

Yet Tsarfati does not realize that the unification of Israel and America is a major fulfillment of Bible prophecy’s requirement that all the physical descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel must be in one place. Instead, he teaches that America must stop being a player in biblical end-time events, either by destruction or by being shot down to size in its global significance.

“America has always been providential in God’s economy – when we understand why, then we’ll stop saying silly things like God didn’t have any purpose for the founding of our country.”
– Jackie Alnor, author, The United States of Israel

If the prophecy about two separate nations being joined together was somehow fulfilled by stragglers left over from the Assyrian captivity moving south before the Babylonian captivity (which is the popular opinion), then that prophecy is not a distinct sign. Besides, the book of Ezekiel was written long after the Northern Kingdom had already been dispersed and taken over by Assyria, so it could no longer be considered a Hebrew nation.

To know who the players are in this divine drama, Alnor follows the historic clues:

“The stick of Judah is now one nation, but the stick of Ephraim is where the controversy comes in. We already followed their blessings and know the peoples numerous as the sands of the sea could not all fit into one country in Europe. Rather, they ruled in many of those countries – each of the ten tribes congregating throughout “the Old World.” There’s only one nation on the entire planet where scattered peoples from all the nations of the Western world joined together and formed one new nation: America, the New World, the home of the brave and the land of the free!

Two nations consisting of the scattered and the gathered! All of them with companions who joined with them. The two sticks will become one in the Father’s hand, and one King will be set over them….”

“’Say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “’Surely I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel, his companions; and I will join them with it, with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they will be one in My hand.’” Ezekiel 37:19

The Prophet Ezekiel’s prophecy of the land of Israel in the latter days requires the existence of the descendants of ALL twelve tribes of Israel to be represented by two separate nations. If all agree Israel is one stick, then answer this question: What modern nation represents the other stick? If you can’t answer that question, you can’t have any logical interpretation of the prophecy and you’ll miss the biblical significance of the joining of these two sticks.”
                                                                                                                       The United States of Israel, pp 81-82

Alnor sees how these recent events in Washington, DC coincide with her understanding  of biblical end time events — the need for two nations of the descendants of the ancient tribes of Israel to be reunited to fulfill biblical end-times prophecy. To see the big picture, read her book and be amazed! The truth is in plain sight!

The United States of Israel is available on Amazon-  Book or Kindle


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Jackie Alnor is the author of two books, The Fleecing of Christianity: Televangelism in Bible Prophecy, and The United States of Israel: America in End Times Prophecy, as well as chapters in anthology books: On the Wings of Grace Alone, and The Challenge of Church Discipline Today. She was the director of Rapture Ready Radio (a spin-off of RaptureReady dot com), and hosted her own show for ten years, ‘The Scattered Sheep Report’. Her articles can be found on her website: