A new documentary has made quite a splash on YouTube recently exposing the efforts of various new agers and occultists spreading their propaganda in television and films. The producers say that their two-year film project, “Out of the Shadows lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content…we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.”
It features two professional film stunt men who over the years began seeing a pattern of a dark undercurrent in many of the movies they worked on. They made their case very convincingly, but they overlooked the granddaddy of all occult ideology subliminal programming: Star Trek.
The popular television series debuted in 1966 with little fanfare. But it has since become part of the zeitgeist of our culture today. Characters like Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Captain Picard, 7 of 9, and Commander Data are iconic figures in America’s collective consciousness.
The Creator and Executive Producer of Star Trek was Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991) who made no secret about his occult philosophy. He’s quoted as saying, “It’s not the Judaeo-Christian God…that was a leap of faith. Creating Star Trek was a very spiritual experience, in that definition…It really is a life beyond this one. It’s my world…Perhaps it’s that divinity in us that we call God.”
Roddenberry’s new age ideas permeate the TV series and the motion pictures. Although he died in 1991, his influence is seen to this day. After his body was cremated, upon his instructions, a portion of his ashes were launched into orbit in 2007 and more ashes were sent into deep space in 2009.
Below are just a few episodes of Star Trek that illustrate how the anti-Christian propaganda has worked to establish a new space age paradigm. So many examples could have been used, but these should suffice to open your eyes so that next time you are entertained by watching them on Netflix, you’ll spot the undercurrent yourself.
“Devil’s Due” (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Short synopsis of this episode of on Wikipedia reads:
“The USS Enterprise receives a distress call from Dr. Howard, the leader of a Federation scientific delegation on Ventax II, where the population is in a state of panic, because they are convinced that their world will soon end. After the Enterprise arrives, they rescue Dr. Clarke who brings them up to date: A thousand years ago, according to Ventaxian history, the population entered a Faustian deal with Ardra, their mythology’s devil. In exchange for ending wars and restoring the ecological balance, and improving their heavily polluted planet, the population would become the personal slaves of Ardra a thousand years later. As the millennium is about to come to a close, the planet has recently begun experiencing mild earthquakes, as well as seeing images of Ardra in the skies. These were said to be signs of her arrival.”
In the preamble, a fuzzy image of Dr. Clarke is seen on the viewer on the bridge desperately calling for backup. A scene of chaos in the background as the local indigenous people become a mob breaking into the scientific station. He is beamed up and the next scene gives his briefing:
“In the distant past, the Ventaxian culture achieved scientific advancement, but a millennium ago, they turned their back on technology . . . Several years ago, the head of state became obsessed with the legend of Ardra . . . Ardra is coming back.”
Captain Picard then asks who is Ardra? The answer: “For all intents and purposes: The Devil”
Right out the gate, the subliminal message is that conservatives who want to hold onto traditional ways of life are backward and hold back the progress of society. Their belief in the second coming of a powerful being is what causes them to resist change. In contrast to the Christian hope of the return of Jesus, (God who became man, rejected by His own people, crucified for our sins, rose from the dead, and is coming again to set up His earthly Kingdom), the one who gave them a millennium of peace is the devil. And this devil will in exchange put them all under subjugation.
The character, Mr. Data, put it this way after he Googled the planet:
“Ardra is a cornerstone of Ventaxian theology. Seems Adra came to Ventax II and promised 1,000 years of peace and prosperity for a price: on her return, she would enslave the entire population. In Ventaxian culture, it is believed to be bad luck to speak her name out loud.”
See the parallel to the God of the Bible? The Old Testament Jews would not speak the name of G-D out loud. Even when today’s Messianic Jews write of Him, they won’t even spell out the word God.
Ardra’s powers turn out to be a fraud. She uses her advanced technology to confound the Ventaxians. It’s all just smoke and mirrors. She really has no power at all. The culture was impressed with her magic show and thought she was omnipotent.
Hollywood’s subliminal message is that biblical theology is simply superstition and subverts the evolution and technological advancement of our species. Their target seems to be a caricature of fundamentalists merged with the lifestyle of the Amish.
“Who Watches the Watchers?” (Next Generation)
In this episode of The Next Generation, Wikipedia summarizes:
“The Enterprise arrives at the planet Mintaka III to resupply and repair a Federation outpost being used to monitor the Mintakan people, a proto-Vulcan race near a Bronze Age level of cultural development. As the Enterprise assists the outpost, an accident causes the holographic rockface to disappear, exposing the outpost to Liko, a Mintakan. Liko attempts to approach and is hit with an electrical shock, which causes him to fall off the cliff and sustain critical injuries. When Chief Medical Officer Dr. Crusher rushes to provide aid, she realizes the injuries are too severe to treat there and has him transported to the Enterprise for treatment …Liko becomes conscious and witnesses everything occurring in Sick Bay, and focuses on Picard giving instructions. Dr. Crusher is able to heal Liko and attempts to wipe his memory of the incident before returning him to the planet. First Officer Riker suggests that he and Counselor Troi disguise themselves as Mintakans in order to search for Palmer, a missing member of the anthropological team, and to monitor Liko, to make sure the memory wipe worked. They discover to their horror that the mind wipe did not take, as Liko recalls an image of “the Picard”, and has convinced other Mintakans that the Picard must be their god.”
The divinized Captain Picard used the argument that has long been utilized by atheists to discredit Christianity and the miraculous.
Picard: “Suppose one of your cave-dwelling ancestors were to see you as you are today. What would she think?”
Liko: “I don’t know.”
Picard: “Put yourself in her place. You see, she cannot kill a horn buck at a great distance. You can. You have a power she lacks.”
Liko: “Only because I have a bow.”
Picard: “She’s never seen a bow. It doesn’t exist in her world. To you it’s a simple tool. To her it’s magic.”
In one fell swoop, Picard dismissed the supernatural. Miracles do not exist. What looks like the miraculous is just misunderstood by our medieval minds.
The History Channel uses this same logic with their programs on Bible history – finding natural explanations for the Bible stories. The Red Sea didn’t really divide for the Hebrews to cross it, it was just low tide and when the tide came back it killed their pursuers. Or the Discovery Channel’s production of Ancient Aliens behind Ezekiel’s wheel or Moses’ burning bush. Dumb humans interpreted those things to be God when in fact they were simply communication devices from advanced beings from another planet.
The Star Trek worldview is that humans could not have made any advancements in technology without help from the anonymous space brothers. They must have had extraterrestrial assistance in the building of the pyramids and the micro-chip.
“The Day Neelix Died” (Star Trek Voyager)
Neelix is killed while participating in a survey mission of a protomatter nebula. Using a technique devised by Seven of Nine , however, the Doctor is able to revive Neelix after being dead for nearly 19 hours. Distressed that he had not perceived the afterlife while he was dead, Neelix begins to question his religious beliefs. With the aid of Chakotay, Neelix embarks on a spiritual vision quest, during which he confronts his dead sister, Alixia, who mocks him and then dies and crumbles into dust. He then finds himself on a slab, surrounded by visions of his shipmates, who tell him that life is irrelevant and that he knows what he has to do. (Wikipedia)
Just like the Watchers episode, this one subtly mocks Christianity and the miracles of the Bible. In this case, the resurrection of the dead and the belief in heaven. And it also gives credibility to the power of the human mind and the search for the self that is promoted by eastern meditation – the search within. Star Trek’s religion is humanism – divine self – and that comes out loud and clear in this episode.
After being dead for so many hours and brought back to life, Neelix was puzzled by the fact that he did not encounter an afterlife. That went against all his hopes to be reunited one day with his family who had all been killed in an alien invasion. His faith had been his reason for living and now that faith was devastated. So he turns to the native Indian shaman first officer, Chakotay for help in going into an altered state of consciousness seeking answers. Commander Chakotay obliges. What resembled guided visualization with the help of a magical fetish, Neelix follows his dead sister Alixia into a place of Paradise.
Neelix: “When I died, I looked for you, but you weren’t there. Why weren’t you there?”
Alixia: “Because it’s all a lie.”
Neelix: “What do you mean?”
Alixia: “You’ve wasted your entire life believing lies. The Great Forest; the afterlife? It’s all created out of your fear of death. None of it’s real.”
Neelix: “If that’s true, what’s the point in living?”
Alixia: “There isn’t any. That’s what you’re finally starting to realize.”
The entire “vision quest” resembled a bad LSD trip and resulted in Neelix finding no reason for living. So after much empty soul-searching, at the end of the show Neelix decides to commit suicide but Shaman Chakotay talks him down by convincing him that this life is what really counts and not to give up on it.
Chakotay: “What really happened in your vision quest? What did you see?”
Neelix: “My sister, my crew, myself. They all told me the same thing. There’s no point in living. And I agree with them.”
Chakotay: “I’m sure those were powerful images. But there are many ways to interpret them. You may be coming face to face with your own fear of death . . . Your deepest beliefs have been thrown into doubt. It’s only natural the vision quest would reflect that.
Neelix: (Recalls his hopes to see his dead loved ones again.) “It’s not true and I can’t live without that hope.”
Chakotay: “I understand how this can change the way you look at things, but it can lead to an even stronger faith.”
The stronger faith Chakotay is pushing? The new age idea of the connection of all things and every person is a cog in the big wheel of life. Then onto Nirvana, the nothingness.
“False Profits” (Star Trek Voyager)
This episode of Star Trek Voyager once again depicts a backward society that confuses alien races for gods. The popular book, Chariots of the Gods, written in 1968 by Erich von Däniken, could well be seen as the creed of Star Trek. “It involves the hypothesis that the technologies and religions of many ancient civilizations were given to them by ancient astronauts who were welcomed as gods.” Wikipedia:
“Voyager discovers evidence of replicator technology on a pre-warp planet, which is reported as very unusual. Chakotay and Paris beam down to the planet to investigate. They discover two Ferengi pretending to be prophets to the native people… Neelix, disguised as a Ferengi, travels back to the planet. He pretends to be a representative (the “Grand Proxy”) of the Ferengi ruler, the Grand Nagus, and demands the two return to the Alpha Quadrant. Neelix’s ruse is uncovered and the Ferengi attempt to kill him. Neelix barely survives the assault and the natives uncover the situation… Neelix and the others are beamed away at the last moment and the natives are convinced their prophecy has come true.”
This episode also depicts a planet with a backward society that is like pre-industrial, Bronze Age earth. It employs a narrative resembling the gospels where a forerunner John-the-Baptist-type in sack-cloth roams the ancient looking streets proclaiming the soon fulfillment of a prophecy of the coming of the “holy pilgrims.” When the away team, dressed in native costume, try to get information about the replicator technology that had been detected, the town crier will only do so if they pay him a bribe.
The two Ferengi convince the stupid townspeople that they came in fulfillment and get seated in a Roman-style temple where they live in luxury with an Arab-looking veiled harem and all the silver and gold they fleeced from the ‘faithful.’
Neelix comes on the scene to try to convince the victimized people that he is actually the one fulfilling their ancient prophecies – dueling prophets. Another new age book comes to mind that may well have influenced this script. It’s called The Armageddon Script: Prophecy in Action, written in 1981 by Peter LeMesurier. The author’s premise is that Jesus Christ was not the true Messiah, but only set about to intentionally fulfill Old Testament prophecies in order to convince his followers that He was the king they anticipated to free them from Rome’s rule. LeMesurier surmised that he and his new age contemporaries might want to do likewise to introduce their coming world leader who is “waiting in the wings.”
One book reviewer observed: “He wrote it when the New Agers were making big plans for their hoped-for immediate future and at a time when they thought they were lacking critical observation. Being watched changed everything for them and LeMesurier’s time table for a staged fake second coming was somewhat delayed. It was not, however, cancelled. LeMesurier wrote that ‘their script is now written, subject only to last minute editing and stage directions . . . down in the pit the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up . . . the time for action will have come.’”
Part of the “stage directions” included introducing the new age messiah during a time of global crisis – using a crisis as an opportunity to get their new world order into power under their new age savior. They would also utilize new technology to convince the skeptics. Neelix illustrates this as he preaches to the ‘faithful’:
“The Song says that between the eastern lights, three new stars appeared that night.” Then on cue, Voyager sets off their proton blasts in the sky and all the people ooh and ahh at what appears to them to be new stars appearing. The Ferengi false prophets objected, “It’s a trick! He’s a fraud, I tell you!” Neelix reassures them, “I am the Holy Pilgrim… I have come to fulfill the holy destiny that was prophesied in the Song of the Sages.
Voyager rescues Neelix and the Ferengis has they were all being burned at the stake – beamed them all up just in the nick of time.
This not-so-subtle attack on Christianity, underscored by the burning of heretics, has been very successful in influencing a generation of young people to accept Gene Roddenberry’s vision for the future of mankind.
The Star Trek agenda has become the worldview of today’s social justice warriors. The stage is now set for the appearance of the man of sin. The new age movement tried to launch their new world order in the 1980s, but failed miserably, in spite of all their programs such as “Hands across America” and the “Harmonic Convergence.” They could not achieve their “critical mass” due to the presence of Christian resistance. They had to put the church on the sidelines in order to indoctrinate the “Next Generation.”
With the help of Hollywood, the National Education Association, the Emergent Church, the Media, and the Shadow Government, the paradigm shift in the group-think of the masses has taken place. Their agenda is omnipresent:
- No heaven or hell – No religion too
- No supernatural
- Man is god
- Do as you will for sexual gratification – no criticism allowed
- Space aliens are real and to be welcomed as part of the Federation of Planets
What John Lennon only imagined has come true. And his song is the new global national anthem:
Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today... Aha-ah... Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too Imagine all the people Living life in peace... You... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one