“The LORD has made everything for its own purpose, Even the wicked for the day of evil.” – Proverbs 16:4 Many of us watched in…
Author: Jackie Alnor
By not addressing the issue, we are allowing someone to take up residence among the Body of Christ who will eventually do everything they can to cause our own falling away, even resorting to betrayal. They will still be operating among us as their love transforms into hatred. At the worst possible time, when the whole world has turned against us, they will undermine us in order to multiply our trials.
Growing up, I liked to take advantage of the fact my grandparents invented church on television whenever it was convenient for me. My mom…
Christians were shocked and appalled when United Methodist pastor, a Missouri congressman, Emanuel Cleaver, gave the opening prayer for the new 2021 Congress, and concluded…
The whole world is feeling anxious.
John Wimber had the audience stand up. He told everyone to remain silent and pray. He put both hands together holding them straight out in front of him toward the audience, with eyes closed. It appeared he was using his arms as a divining rod… A very loud rap, rap, rap sound intermittently sounded all over the auditorium. Fear gripped me as I prayed for the Lord’s protection.
How negligent it would be not to warn the sheep of poisoned pastures and false shepherds who promote lies in the name of truth.
The only place in Scripture where we see anyone sitting on seven mountains is in the 17th chapter of Revelation – the Mother of Harlots: a prophetic peek into the future of what Wagner’s group, the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), is evolving into when it unites with its fellow false religionists.
We need to sound the alarm – but at the same time not to fall for the devil’s snare in casting aside all ethics and common decency. The Church should not act like the WWA.
C.S. Lewis would have no doubt been very proud of his disciple Colson, given that Lewis congratulated himself for having helped to bridge the chasm between Protestant denominations and Roman Catholicism. An apple evidently does not fall too far from the tree, and as we are about to show, Dr. Francis Collins much like Charles Colson followed in the footsteps of his spiritual father C.S. Lewis. Both C.S. Lewis and Dr. Collins in fact share three things in common which are utterly destructive of true Evangelical Christianity – rejection of Scripture inerrancy, commitment to ecumenism and Darwin’s evolutionary theory. And, since the Whore of Rome will waste no ally, it is not in the least surprising that the Pope in 2009 appointed Dr. Francis Collins to the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences