The Bible instructs us to be kind to strangers because we could be entertaining angels unawares. But the flip side to that is that we…
Author: Jackie Alnor
You’ve heard it said, “confession is good for the soul,” so I’d like to share my secret fantasy. Just remember, a fantasy is not necessarily…
Billy Graham – The man who preached the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to more souls than anyone in the past 2,000 years. A man…
Purgatory: a cruel invention of the Roman Catholic Church – A false dogma that lays a heavy burden on every Catholic. They hold men captive…
It is often said that unprincipled men accuse others of doing the very thing they themselves are guilty of. Hank and his henchmen succeeded in getting my husband expelled from the ministry, EMNR, which he brought up from the ashes. He marked Bill as a trouble-maker to his own church fellowship. And then he turns around and distributes a big piece of propaganda marking Bill as CRI’s greatest enemy whose motives were to bring CRI down. And he does this while Bill is lingering in a hospice, dying of cancer, that he succumbed to in 2011.
The history of the Christian Research Institute (CRI) is an ongoing story. The Cast of Characters is too long to list. I will endeavor to…
While the good witch arrives on the scene in a floating multi-colored globe, the Fatima lady is said to arrive in the same manner. The Fatima Crusader publication took this from witnesses: “A luminous globe, traveling from the east to the west, gliding slowly and majestically in space. It floated in fact towards the holm-oak.” And then the children spoke to the lady, although onlookers could not see her – just the light she emitted.
Twenty-some years ago, my sister Janet and I signed up for a field trip sponsored by the Crystal Cathedral to a Vedanta monastery in…
Never in the history of the presidency has a POTUS bypassed elected officials and the mainstream news media to go directly to the heart of the people to win the public’s support for his policies.
We must watch out for the schemes of the enemy of our souls and hold fast to the Word of God. God is supernatural and His gifts are not to be rejected. But the counterfeit powers of the spirit of antichrist are also metaphysical but are a snare to our souls leading many into spiritual quicksand.