One area of infiltration misses the notice of conservative parents – and that is the video game.
Author: Barry Bowen
The Holy Land Experience, one of America’s largest biblical theme parks, lies in ruins, after Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) spent more than $130 million on…
Financial disclosure documents published on the IRS website report that Trinity Christian Center of Santa Ana, the parent organization of TBN, and other affiliated organizations transferred $860,132,250 in assets to Trinity Broadcasting of Texas in 2019.
As president of Inspirational Network, David Cerullo has become one of America’s wealthier televangelists—a fact that is obscured by net worth tracking websites severely underestimating Cerullo’s wealth.
In an April 2019 article about televangelist William Todd Coontz, the Christian Sentinel reported, “For those keeping track, the old cliche is true. ‘The Wheels…
Thirty years ago, a jury convicted televangelist Jim Bakker of mail fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy after learning that he too, operated with a secret budget.
For those keeping track, the old cliche is true. “The Wheels of Justice turn slowly, but exceedingly fine.”
Televangelists have long reaped extravagant financial benefits by appearing as special guests and hosting programs for religious TV networks.
Brittany Crouch Davidson, the granddaughter of Trinity Broadcasting Network founders Paul Sr. and Jan Crouch, and niece to current TBN President Matthew Crouch, has been sued by the religious TV network 21 times.
The National Hurricane Center is forecasting “total rain accumulations of 15 to 30 inches and isolated maximum amounts of 40 inches over the middle and upper Texas coast through Thursday.”